Former Machakos County Assembly Clerk Felix Gitari Mbiuki has announced his clearance to run for the office of governor in Tharaka Nithi County under the Chama Cha Kazi Party (CCK) affiliated to Kenya Kwanza Alliance.
The former Clerk in support of Saturday's Peaceful Demonstrations by the Kathwana Business Community to protest the transfer of county operations to Chuka criticized Governor Muthomi Njuki's government of corruption, saying it was unfortunate that projects across the county were below standard and not complete.
"Our County Government based on corruption allegations has not been operating from Kathwana which is the County Headquarters. Governor Muthomi Njuki should vacate office and a take over by the Deputy Governor commenced immediately" - Gitari Mbiuki
In his governemt, Mr Gitari has promised to restore Kathwana as County Headquarters, prioritizing access to water and industrialization to boos the economy and provide job opportunities.
In the health sector, Mr Mbiuki seeks to have a referral hospital in every constituency, and health centres in the 15 wards across the county to boost healthcare.