Government Spokesperson Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna on Friday held a youth forum at Chuka in Tharaka Nithi County, to create awareness and sensitize the youth to increase the uptake of government affirmative funds particularly the Uwezo Fund.
Speaking during the event, Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna noted that affirmative funds allocated for the county had not been utilized, asking the youth to take advantage of such funds from the government to create wealth and employment.
According to him, the government has invested highly on the youth as a key element to nation building, making affirmative funds accessible and prioritizing the young generation in trainings and programs meant to empower them.
“For a nation to make steps, the youth need to be involved in nation building through education, trainings, funding and opportunities. Affirmative funds are easily accessible yet funds have not been utilized by the intended target group which forms 75% of the country’s population” - Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna
The government spokesperson challenged them to apply for Ajira Digital and the Public Service Internship Program, which is designed to offer opportunity for graduates to acquire and develop professional, technical and work experience.
Women Enterprise Development Fund and Youth Enterprise Development Fund are among the other affirmative funds offered by the national government.
Uhuru’s Legacy
Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna stated the government had taken measures to reduce the high cost of living, saying it was a worldwide crisis and hit out at critics blaming President Uhuru for the inflation.
Oguna added that President Uhuru has no control over the Russia-Ukraine war, which was a major contribution to the high cost of living witnessed in the country.
