Governor Muthomi Njuki on Monday, 20th February 2022 issued measures and guidelines set in a bid to combat the production and sale of illicit brew in Tharaka Nithi , a day after issuing an executive order revoking all brewing licenses in the county.
In a press briefing at the governor’s residence in Kajuki, the governor confirmed that reports indicated the county was facing a major threat from the consumption of illicit brew that had found its way into the market illegally and that it was their responsibility as a government to ensure all alcoholic products not approved were flushed out.
“We must save our people. I want to put on notice manufacturers and distributors hiding in court orders. We are not going to be intimidated by any brewer or cartel on this issue”, he said.
For brewers within the county to operate, they are now required to apply or renew their licenses from the county government after all brewing licenses were revoked.
Brewers from other counties that market or sell their alcoholic products in the county are now required to have a depot for local distribution, a license and a permit from the county government including Urban Planning Inspection credentials.
Distributors with no depot are required to produce brewing licenses from counties that host their factories to confirm their credibility as brewers, produce a KEBS compliant license.
Under Tharaka Nithi Alcoholic Drinks Control Act of 2021, Bars must now have a license from the county government, public health and physical planning approval credentials and are allowed to operate anywhere within the county from 5 PM to 11 PM.
Bar and Restaurants under the Act are limited to operate within towns that act as resting stops for travelers within the county namely Chuka, Chogoria, Marimanti, Kathwana, Magutuni, Tunyai, Kibugua, Gatunga, Chiakariga, Mukothima, Marima, Kaanwa, Itugururu and Mitheru and should open between 2 PM and 11 PM.
Night Clubs will operate within the towns of Kathwana, Marimanti, Chogoria and Chuka after acquiring the required licenses and credentials.
Wines and Spirits stores and shops were cautioned for allowing customers consume alcohol at the business premises. According to the Act, alcohol will now be sold on take-away basis with no seats, tents or tables around withing business premises.
"We are tired of losing lives. We will follow up all alcoholic production, retail and business enterprises in collaboration with law enforcers and I can tell you, some licenses will be revoked. We are going to work together to bring an end to illicit brew”- Governor Muthomi Njuki
Brewers, Bar, Bar & Restaurant and Night Club operators have up to 31st March to apply/renew their licenses with the county.
