Kathwana Stadium played host to leaders from both the national government and the county government as they joined residents for a public participation preparedness meeting held yesterday.
The meeting which brought leaders from across the county stirred political debate as leaders took turns to lash out at individuals perceived to be behind the nullification of Igambang’ombe Sub-County.
Governor Muthomi Njuki asked residents to turn up in great numbers for public participation scheduled for 3rd February 2022 to be followed by a leaders meeting on the 10th of February to sign and handover the public participation report.
According to Governor Njuki, in 2017 the county had 4 Sub-Counties according to the National Government, but through the County Assembly passed a motion to have 6 Sub-Counties for equitable revenue allocation which created Muthambi and Igambang’ombe ward through public participation by the assembly.
Igambang’ombe DCC Florence Obunga stated they had taken the initiative as National Government to ensure they follow the law by conducting public participation at Sub-location levels, led by assistant chiefs under the supervision of chiefs.
“We have and we will continue giving notices and agenda for public participation. We are hopeful that the people of Igambang’ombe will participate and save the Sub-County from nullification”, she said.
Chuka Igambng’ombe MP Patrick Munene in his remarks criticized individuals and groups against the creation of the Sub-County, who had now focused on the realignment of borders vertically from the mountain to the lower parts of the county, dividing it into 3 units.
The MP added that nullification of the new Sub-County would leave it disadvantaged.
“Our enemy is known and they represent their interest and not that of a whole community. The budget policy statement will be brought before parliament in the coming week and that means Igambang’ombe Sub-County won’t be included in the budget”, he said.
Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki joined his Chuka Igambang’ombe counterpart in hitting out on leaders asking for the division of the county vertically saying it was time to distinguish between the friend and the enemy of the people and that Igambang’ombe was an inclusive Sub-County regardless of tribes forming its population.
Kareke argued that nullification of Igambang’ombe had dimmed hopes of having a new Sub-County in Maara.
MCA Igambang’ombe ward Njeri Kigwari pointed out that all members of county assembly were fully behind the creation of the new Sub-County and cautioned leaders trying to disrupt the unity of Tharaka Nithi people
