Ikuu Boys High School continued to show its might in academics both regionally and nationally after the school posted a mean score of 8.2 in the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).
With the school closing indefinitely after fire razed down 4 dormitories last year, Ikuu Boys High School principal Mr. Joseph Mbae said they were happy and pleased with the results, despite of the unfortunate fire incident and that it was out of co-operation between the students and teachers that attributed to the school’s success.
“We are happy and pleased with our results despite of our challenges last year. We thank God that our students have done well and managed to maintain a good performance. We have achieved success due to co-operation between our teachers and students to compensate lost time” – Mr Joseph Mbae, School Principal
The school was ranked 2nd in Tharaka Nithi County, behind their national counterparts Chogoria Girls High School with a mean score of 8.65 and was listed among the top 10 schools in the region where Meru School had the best mean score at 8.98.
St Mary’s Girls Igoji, Moi High School Mbiruri, Kyeni Girls and Nkubu High School also topped, with 8.52, 8.5, 8.49 and 8.3 respectively according to a compiled list by the Nation. Ikuu Boys ranked 4th among boy schools in the region.
With 245 students, Ikuu Boys produced 18 A-, 41 B+, 56 B, 39 B-, 52 C+, 26 C, 8 C- and 4 D+.
According to Mr Mbae, the school is setting strategies to continue doing better in the coming year.
