The Law Society of Kenya - Chuka Bar has protested the closure of Chuka Environment and Land Court prompted by the transfer of Chuka Environment and Land Judge to Meru.
Addressing the media at Chuka Law Courts on Thursday, the LSK members hit out on the Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court Lady Justice Martha Koome, saying the directive to close court operations was issued without due consultations and for no reasonable or justifiable course.
According to LSK Chuka Bar Chairman Wakili Kirimi Muturi, the Chuka High Court and it's Environment and Land Court is not a lesser court or station and that the action is tantamount to arbitrary closure of the Chuka High Court and it's Environment and Land Court.
"The closure of the Court that recently received accolades and was awarded for the best performing Environment and Land Court in Kenya is underserved, appaling, unjustifiable and for no logical or reasonable cause" - Wakili Kirimi Muturi, LSK Chuka Bar Chairman
The members also noted with concern that the files from the court that has been serving the people of Tharaka-Nithi County and its environs were recently transferred to the lower courts and courts of equal jurisdiction in a move to dent and render the court useless.
"We view this as an insensitive act of sabotage that is discriminatory in all manifestations and the same is unacceptable not only to the legal practitioners but also the general Tharaka-Nithi people, stakeholders and fraternity" - Benson Kijaru, Secretary LSK Chuka Bar
The legal practitioners seek for the immediate recall and reversal of the directive and actions that affect the normal operations of Chuka High Court Environment and Land Court.
"In the event that the directive is not recalled and the action reversed at the earliest, our members shall have no alternative but to pursue other avenues necessary including downing of tools" - Wakili Kirimi Muturi, LSK Chuka Bar Chairman