The County Assembly of Tharaka-Nithi by resolutions adopted the motion on physical planning of markets and trading centres that resolved updating the plans of the existing markets and trading centres.
The motion also includes identification, mapping and planning for upcoming markets and trading centres plus focused on allocating available spaces competitively. The motion was moved by Hon. Asumpta Gabriel, nominated MCA.
Further, the House adopted a motion to alter the County Assembly calendar. Pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 39(4) the County Assembly resolved to alter its calendar (regular sessions) for the fifth session by adjourning for the long recess on Wednesday 15th December 2021 at 9.30 a.m. The motion was moved by Hon. Wilson Nyaga, Leader of Minority Party.
The MCA’s additionally passed a motion cushioning coffee farmers from having to pay contractors who were carrying out renovations in coffee factories.
Moved by Muthambi MCA Hon Nyaga Wilson, the MCAs said farmers were not consulted when the decision was being made and should not bear costs.
While giving reference to the failed BBI process, Nyaga said the whole process lacked public participation, in this concept, that of the farmers.
The renovation intrigues had top politicians and a group of wealthy individuals reportedly conned into a fake tender procurement where it is believed they lost between 200,000 to 1,000,000 in the process.
While stating that the matter was still in court, Nkondi MCA Leonard Gitonga said that the court outcome would guide how the societies should work in future.