Chuka University Vice Chancellor, Professor Erastus Njoka on Monday officially opened the Kairini Dispensary, built on a section of the 500-acre piece of university land located 23 kilometers from the main campus.
The dispensary, which is built by the university seeks to fill the healthcare gap in the area, with the nearest health facility being over 10 kilometers away from Kairini.
"Today we have come to offer our thanksgiving and give back to this great community that offered us (Chuka University) their 500-acre piece of land to build a university…today we are celebrating because we can now say we have a health facility here and we know it is important for the community", Njoka said.
Professor Njoka acknowledged that people were dying since they lacked proper medication, as some succumbed to illnesses that could be treated if proper health care was put into consideration.
According to Njoka, Kairini Dispensary has been equipped with anti-venom drugs, to help with the increased cases of poisonous snake bites in the area and that all medicine prices have been subsidized in the facility in favor of the community.
Njoka laid out plans to build a hospital in the area, that will take up 300 acres and cost over 28 billion shillings which will be one of the largest health facilities in the region creating over 40,000 jobs and opening up opportunities.
The university don went on to hit out at critics doubting his academic success, noting his leadership had brought light into the county through developments which had him referred to as the ‘eye of Tharaka-Nithi county’
In a bid to cement his gubernatorial political ambitions, Njoka outlined rural electrification, construction of roads and provision of water as his legacy and if given the chance to govern, he would replicate in his government.
“We lack visionary leadership. Next year let us vote in good leaders, who are competent and who can run the affairs of the government”, he said.
Kairini residents will access free medical services on Tuesday 13th , and enjoy free consultation for a month courtesy of the university.
