Governor Muthomi Njuki has advised Chuka-Igambang’ombe residents not to split the gubernatorial election votes in the coming polls.
5 candidates have already declared their interest in becoming the next governor of Tharaka-Nithi with the position attracting 3 from Chuka-Igambang’ombe.
Njuki urged constituents to vote as a block, in a bid to support one candidate to avoid a repeat of the 2007 general elections, that saw Petkay Miriti and Gichuiya Nthuraku, both from Chuka lose the parliamentary seat to Kareke Mbiuki from Maara.
Chuka-Igambang’ombe led in the number of registered voters in the county, with 76,486 voters in the 2017 general elections while Maara ranked second with 68,729 voters. Tharaka registered 67,729 voters.
While speaking at Kibugua town on Saturday where he commissioned a lighting project, Governor Muthomi Njuki mentioned the need to continue working for the people even as the elections drew nearer, in an effort to cement his re-election bid.
“As a government, we have 7 months left to work for the people of Tharaka-Nithi county and we can’t afford to get off the track and divert our agenda”, he said.
The governor also gave remarks on the progress of the Kibugua-Itugururu-Murigi road, that was proposed for tarmacking as a MauMau road in 2021, indicating that the contractor would be on the ground in 30 days.

Three from igamba ngombe none from Maara.