On Friday morning, a Kenya Police chopper landed at Ikuu Primary School grounds carrying the body of Captain Gilbert Gitonga, a former military and Kenya police pilot who was known by many as GG.
At 10 Am, the ceremony for the final send off of the captain would begin with hundreds flocking Salvation Army Kagumo to pay their last respects to GG who to may was a quiet and humble man.
Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki eulogized GG as a supportive member, who loved his community acknowledging his well experience in matters aircraft and flying, giving an example of how GG would always make a stop over on the peaks of Mt Kenya whenever they flied that direction to allow the crew get a glimpse of Lake Ellis.
The governor would go on to refer to GG as a man of the people, who commanded respect and had passion and connection for his community with his notable achievement being founding Kagumo Secondary School.
“When we leave to serve Kenya, let us remember to come back and serve our communities. Let us come back home and help develop our grassroots like GG did”, he said.
Former Nithi MP Petkay Miriti took to the occasion to declare his political interests in the Chuka Igambang’ombe parliamentary seat, asking the people to give him another shot at leadership in the country.
Area MP Patrick Munene when given a chance to speak said since his engagement with GG they had never discussed politics and that it would be wrong to politick on his burial but responded to Petkay Miriti asking the former legislator to leave the seat for him and Muthomi 810 to contest.
“By nature of age it is better if Petkay contests for the gubernatorial seat but we will not forget to include him in our government when either 810 or I win the elections”, he said.
Tharaka Nithi Woman Representative Beatrice Nkatha responding to Dr Beatrice Kathomi, who has declared interest in the woman representative position and who had earlier taken the podium at the burial to attack Nkatha, said politics should not be a topic of discussion at such events and that it was important for politicians to respect families of the deceased and give them time to mourn their loved ones.
“Let us differentiate between campaign time and time for important functions and events such as burials. Politicians love crowds because all they see are votes. We should give ample time to families to mourn”, Nkatha said.
Political aspirant Muthomi 810 joined MP Patrick Munene in asking Petkay Miriti to step down and allow the young turks to battle it out at the polls, saying whoever would form government would not forget to include Petkay.
Other political leaders who attended the event included Marimanti MCA Susan Ngugi and Dr Beatrice Kathomi.
Captain GG will be remembered by his area residents for flying past at low speeds and height to show solidarity despite physical absence.