With public officers seeking elective seats expected to vacate office 6 months before the general elections, former Chuka University VC Professor Erastus Njoka tendered his resignation to the Ministry of Education, bringing an end to over 16 years of service in the education sector.
In a press briefing on his last day in office as VC on Wednesday, Njoka attributed his resignation and decision to join politics to the lack of proper transformation and professionalism in Tharaka-Nithi County promising to use his experience to develop and transform the county.
“There’s no other Vice Chancellor that has resigned to vie for elective positions in government. I have done it, not for myself as an individual but for the people of Tharaka-Nithi County to see transformation in the county”- Prof. Erastus Njoka
The former VC acknowledged that since the inception of the university under his leadership, the university did not record any corruption cases nor any strikes and that he had mentored leaders to take after him after his exit.
The father of degrees asked for peaceful campaigns ahead of the polls, asking the people not to be incited or influenced by money and that only professionalism would save the county.
Key projects under Professor Njoka include tree planting exercises that saw over 1 million trees planted across the county, road upgrades and tarmacking, the construction of dams, bridges and water intakes in parts of the county.
